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commemorates four men from the area who died during the Boer War, 1899 - 1902 and commemorates the Declaration of Peace, June 1 1902
War Memorials

Roll of Honour

So many of our local people have fought and died in major conflicts, and the area has a number of memorials to the fallen.

We will remember them…….

The oldest outdoor war memorial in the area is at Langley Mill, and commemorates four men from the area who died during the Boer War, 1899 – 1902. Now in the church yard, the memorial is older than the church itself, and was originally on the embankment between Station Road and the track which led to the Midland Railway Station.

Raised by public subscription, the four men were:

Lance Corporal John Thomas Hull, 1st Derbyshire M.I., killed at Blesboklaacte, Feby 12 1902.

Private William Hull, 45th Regiment, 1st Derbyshire, drowned in the Orange River, March 1 1901.

Corporal George Tansill, E Company, 2nd Batt Glouces Regiment, killed at Paardeberg, Feby 18 1900

Private Henry James Lane, 1st Batt, West Yorkshire Regiment, Died of Fever at Bloemfontein, May 29 1900

“Also to commemorate the Declaration of Peace, June 1 1902”

commemorate the Declaration of Peace, June 1 1902
commemorate the Declaration of Peace, June 1 1902

The memorial in the churchyard of St Lawrence, Heanor, was erected “To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of the men of Heanor Parish who gave their lives in the Great War 1914 – 1919.”

As Heanor Parish covered a wider area at that time, this may explain the lack of memorials in some of the other parts of the area.

Antcliffe A.Anthony B.Bancroft T.H.Barkes J.R.Bassford J.Battison H.Beardsley H.Benson T.H.Bentley W.C.Beresford T.A.Bibbs E.J.B.Binch C.E.Bircumshaw J.Birch C.H.Blanchard E.Booth T.Brentnall J.G.Brocklesby F.Brown C.Brown B.E.Brown S.Brown L.Bunting W.H.Burrows T.Buxton J.H.Careless J.T.Carlin ScottCarlin StephenCarlin H.Cattle J.H.N.Cattle E.S.Cope T.W.Crumpton T.Dakin G.Davey S.Davey T.H.Davenport W.Doggatt J.Dunn F.W.Earnshaw W.Ellis A.E.Farnsworth P.Farnsworth M.Farnsworth S.Fletcher C.L.Flory WFogg J.J.Fowkes W.Fowkes J.Fowler H.Fretwell E.Fretwell H.Froggatt R.Gaunt H.Gillott J.W.B.Gillott W.Gilbert T.Gilder W.Gregg T.Hambleton T.Harrison L.Hardy G.Hawkins B.Hickling A.Hill J.G.Hingley H.Holmes R.Holmes AlbertHolmes W.Holmes ArthurHolyland J.Holyland c.Hollis J.Honey C.Honey G.Horsley J.E.Housley J.W.Hunt A.B.Hutchinson E.Hutchinson W.Judge J.Keeling A.E.Kew A.WKey W.J.Kingdom W.Kirk H.H.Knight G.Knight J.Lacey L.Lambert F.Leivers G.Lockton PLockton T.H.Lomax G.F.Luker F.Martin N.A.Martin A.Martin H.Martin J.Martin S.Marron A.Marshall H.Potter A.Price J.Rawson R.Riley T.Saxton W.Saxton J.Scraton F.Sharley W.Shelton R.Sherlock G.Siddons T.Smith G.W.Smith H.W.Smith F.R.Smith W.Slater F.Statham L.Stafford J.W.Stoddard R.C.Stubley C.Sutton J.W.Tebbutt J.Marshall G.W.Marsh W.Marsh S.H.Masterman J.H.May J.S.Meakin S.Mee J.Miles E.Mousley R.Morgan F.W.Muffett E.W.Musson H.Musson W.Nelson A.Noon A.North J.W.O’Brien H.E.Oldershaw C.Oldershaw F.R.Place W.A.Poole A.Thornhill W.Turner W.Wadkinson G.S.Wain E.Walker H.Walker W.H.Watson J.West H.Weston J.Whitney W.H.Wilshire L.S.Wilcockson J.Wilcockson G.Wood A.Wood J.Wood H.Wright C.S.Wright W.Wright W.H.Wyld H.Yates H

In 2014, in preparation for the commemoration of the centenary of the First World War, two “missing” names were added to be memorial: Bacon S., and Smith T.H.

The War Memorial at Codnor takes the form of a lych gate at the entrance to the cemetery at St. James Church, Crosshill, rather than a conventional monument. Inside, there are two plaques, one on either side, listing the fallen, and including the rank and regiment of the men: Not surprisingly, the largest section is for men of the Notts and Derbys, the Sherwood Foresters.

The memorial is dedicated “In grateful memory of the men of Codnor and Loscoe who sacrificed their lives for their country in the Great War 1914 – 1919.”

Royal Navy

Thomas Bunting AB

Fredk G Grainger OS

Herbert Mason OS

Griffin Walters OS

Ernest W. Ratcliffe PO


Cyril A. Eyre Flt.Cmdr.

E.G.A. Eyre Flt.SubLt

Royal Air Force

Chas H.B. Asher

Roy. Mar. Lt. Infantry

Herbert Marley Pte

Robert Shelton Pte

Derbys Yeomanry

William Yates Pte

Durham Lt. Inf.

George R. Butler Pte

Royal Scots

John Hanlon Pte

William E. Martin Sgt


John Graney Gnr

Albert Gratton Lieut

Hiran E. Langton Gnr


Harold Hicking Gnr

Grenadier Gds

James Glarke Pte

Notts & Derbys

Fredk. Adams Pte

Herbert Bamford Pte

Ernest Burgin Pte

Charles Birch Pte

Leonard Caulton Pte

William Clarke Pte

George Cowley Pte

John J. Corby Pte

H. Cresswell Pte

A. Darrington Pte

Herbert H. Haines Pte

M.W. Holbrook Pte

William Holmes Pte

Regd. W. Kniveton Pte

Charles Longdon Pte

James H. Mee Pte

Wm. G. Marshall Pte

Arthur Pacey Pte

Thomas Riley Cpl

James Wright Pte

Claude Wright L.Cpl

Thos. E. Whiteman Sgt

West Yorks

H.W. Cowlishaw Cpl


John Ainsworth Pte

George H. Steed Cpl

R. W. Fus

Fred R. Smith Pte


Henry T. Farmer RFM

H.T. Smedley RFM

Frank Severn Cpl

S. Wightman RFM


Harold Gaunt L.Cpl

R. Fusiliers

William Parkin Pte

R. Irish R.F.S.

John A. Parkin Pte

Army Cyclist Corps

Harold S. Hickling Sgt

Alfred H. Watson L.Cpl

South Staffs

Arthur Hubball Pte


Geo. W. Watson Sgt

Lanc. Fus.

Edwin Searson L.Cpl


John E. Noble Pte

Like many towns and villages across the country, the externally visible war memorial in Smalley commemorates the dead of two World Wars – few who set up the memorial after the “war to end all wars” would have thought that just twenty years later they would have to find space for another list of names.

Smalley’s memorial is to be found at the entrance to the Richardson Endowed School, and is actually the Roll of Honour of the school; inside the church of St John the Baptist can be found the parish war memorial.

The plaque for the 1939-45 conflict is not visible in the photograph, being below the level of the wall.


Annable Willis

Attenborough Thos.

Beardsley Harold

Daniels Sidney

Gillott Walter

Horsley Harold

Martin Reginald

Moss Wilfred

Smith Frank

Attenborough Ar.

Bacon Joseph

Clarke Arthur

Fletcher Albert

Green Thomas

Kerry Thos. Anthony

Mee George

Newton Harry

Toplis Cyril

Woodhouse John Arthur

Attenborough Fredk. H.

Beardsley George

Creswell Ernest

Fletcher Arthur

Honey George

Martin Leonard

Mee Mark

Skinner Harry

Wheatley Samuel


Abbot Roy

Bardill Cecil

Braddock Fred

Briggs Horace

Kimpton Ronald

Cardin Kenneth

Oates William

Chambers Ronald

Rodgers Harry

Weston Fred

While William

Aldercar’s memorial is another which started with the first World War and was added to, a cross “erected in thankful remembrance of the men from this church and district who gave their lives in the Great War, 1914 – 1918”

T. BricknellR. CanlinF. CanlinL. DakinH. HardyW.E. JarvisW.H. LovegoveH. MaxwellC. OrrellB.H. PottsW.E. RenshawG. SperryW. SmithW. ThornhillF. TilforthH.H. VernonD. WhitehouseJ. WhitemanT. WhitemanW.E. WilliamsonH.F. WynnA. Warren
An upper plaque added names from the Second World War:H. Hitt, A. Hitt, R. Hitt, J. Smith, A. Teagle, W.H. Bailey, A.E. Hutchby, T.W.A. Bulliman.

A small memorial garden next to the Baptist School Room on Furnace Lane, Loscoe, was established “in grateful remembrance of the men of Loscoe who gave their lives in the war 1939 – 1945.”

Allen Robert Bennett Albert Brewin Wilfred Bunting Dennis W.Burrows Geoffrey Burton LeonardCripps Walter Edwards Frank Hutchinson Joe Moon W.H.Roome Harry Turner Sam Williams Leslie

Heanor Memorial Park has as it’s centrepiece the memorial to “the men of the Heanor Urban District who fell in the Great War 1939 – 1945”. (Covering the whole of the Urban District Council area, there are names here which also feature at Loscoe and Aldercar.)

Allen R.S.Amos A.Angell M.Appleby G.Ashmore C.Austin J.M.Baker FrankBaker FredBailey W.H.Baldwin K.Bamber T.F.Barfield G.N.Barfield N.Barks T.W.Beckett G.Beer A.Bennett A.Bennieston F.Berry E.Bestwick C.R.Bolton G.S.Booth A.Bower R.Bradley E.Bradley J.Bray J.Brewin W.Brown C.W.Brown J.Brown J.E.Brown P.E.Brown RJBrown S.L.Bulliman T.W.Bunting D.W.Burrows G.Carpenter A.E.Carpenter R.Chambers E.Clifton T.Cook J.L.Cooper J.R.Cripps W.Darrington H.A.Daniel E.Davis J.H.Daykin A.G.Draper I.Duncan N.Edwards F.Eyre L.Flint D.Flint P.Foulds A.E.Fowler F.W.M.V.Froggatt J.Gilbert R.P.Gotheridge F.Groves J.Halston S.Hardy H.Henshaw T.Hibbert A.Hibbert B.Hill A.Hitt A.Hitt H.Hitt R.Hodgkinson A.Holmes D.H.Holmes R.W.Holmes W.H.Hutchby A.E.Hutchinson H.Hutchinson G.Hutchinson J.Jackson S.W.Kemp W.Knowles F.Krawzyk K.Langton L.M.Lockton F.Long F.Longdon A.Marden F.Martin C.W.Martin H.Maycock A.Mee A.Milward J.T.Moon W.H.Mott H.Mountford J.A.Neale J.A.W.Newton H.O.Nicholson J.E.Ottewell L.D.Pacey H.Palfreyman F.Payne H.Pearson H.Powdrill K.M.Preston A.A.Prince A.Pryor A.S.Radford T.Roome W.H.Saxton T.Seeds J.Severn W.Shardlow S.Sharman L.R.Shepherd G.Simms E.Simms EricSloman W.G.Smith G.H.Smith J.Smith-Cross W.A.Staley D.Steel F.Stevens A.Teagle A.Tissington G.Turner S.Walker H.Watson R.Webster A.Webster P.White A.Whitehouse A.Wilber R.Wiles G.R.Williams L.Wilson J.W.Wright J.W.Yates N.

In the seventy years since the Second World War, conflicts have continued, and still continue, though thankfully casualties have been fewer.

The only post WWII memorial in the area has no names, but can be found near the entrance to the Memorial Gardens. “Erected by Amber Valley District Council as a tribute to all military and civilian personnel of the British forces killed and injured in the service of their country, and to show appreciation for the bravery of those involved. August 1982. Falklands Conflict”

They grow not old,

as we that are left grow old.

Age shall not weary them,

Nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun,

And in the morning,

We will remember them.

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